Community Association Institute (CAI) - California
California Association of Community Managers (CACM)
Executive Council of Homeowners (ECHO)
California Law
HOA Resources:
CAI is the largest advocacy organization in America dedicated to monitoring legislation, educating elected state lawmakers, and protecting the interests of those living in community associations.
The official site for California legislative information
California Legislative Counsel
The #1 online resource for California's condominium associations, stock cooperatives, gated communities and community associations, including the Davis-Stirling Act, case law, policies and procedures, forms, mediation and other useful resources.
Direct access to California's Civil & Corporate codes.
The Executive Council of Homeowners (ECHO) is a nonprofit membership corporation dedicated to assisting California homeowners associations. ECHO provides help to homeowners associations on many fronts: finances, legal issues, insurance, maintenance and management. Members receive help through conferences, trade shows, seminars, a monthly full-color magazine and publications.

CACM heightens the professionalism and success of California community association managers by promoting higher standards of practice and ethical behavior.

Contractors State License Board

On this Web site you can find educational materials about hiring contractors and the construction process. You can also check the status of a contractor's license, find other important Contractors License Law information and file a complaint.

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